Saturday, February 16, 2013

Saturday After Ash Wednesday

Can we just stop and admire how adorable this child is and how beautiful her prayer is?
This image seems appropriate for the beginning of Lent because of the child’s innocence and faith. She is humble enough to ask God for help and she has the faith to know that God can hear the silent words of her heart. We don’t have to be innocent and adorable for God to see into our hearts, though; we just have to open the doors and let Him in. Once we let him in, He will flood our hearts with understanding, comfort and love.
Lent is about Jesus’ suffering, which was the ultimate sign of his love for us, and so Lent becomes a time to open our hearts to God in more ways and in new ways. The hard part is figuring out how to let Him in. Maybe the best way is through joining in His suffering and giving something up, or in feeling His love by doing a random act of kindness every day, or in attending Mass and Stations of the Cross. The only way to truly know God’s love is to look for Him everywhere and let Him in every time we find Him. With a little bit of faith, we can find God in our day-to-day lives and welcome Him to share these simple moments with us. With some humility, we can ask Him for help with anything, whether we have the words to say it or not. God knows that there are four classes, two meetings, practice, work, homework and a call to a sick grandmother scheduled for tomorrow, and he can give us the strength to face it all with a smile if we give Him the chance. So, call on God today and let him listen through your heart. He can’t wait to hear what’s there.
Laura, Class of 2015

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