Thursday, April 14, 2011

Fifth Week of Lent: Wednesday

As we get closer to Easter, we must not forget what Lent is all about. It has been a long Lenten journey and many of us have likely faltered in our Lenten promises, however, that does not mean Lent was a failure. This can teach us exactly what we need to learn. Many times in the gospels we are shown examples of how we must put God before everything else. The rich man is asked to give up his possessions and follow Jesus. Peter the apostle for example, also drops his livelihood as a fisherman and follows. This does not mean that we should literally give up everything, but perhaps that we simply must know when we are putting things before God. Are there things in our lives we can’t go without? As we continue along our Lenten journey, let us try to focus on putting God first, before our material lives.
- Peter A.

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