Monday, April 4, 2011

Fourth Week of Lent: Monday

Here we are, already in the fourth week of Lent! I always found this time to be a good place to reflect on the past few weeks, on our triumphs and failures as we prepare for Jesus’ death and resurrection. This past weekend I went on the retreat to the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, NY which provided a great opportunity for such reflection. The retreat, called “Looking for the Signs,” explored the idea that we can find God in any and every aspect of our lives, even something like baseball. Though we go out of our way during Lent to give up a favorite of ours or add something new into our routine, it is also in the everyday stuff that we can find God’s grace and love.  There may be days when we don’t follow through on whatever our sacrifices are, but maybe we also fail to see the tiny blessings that God has planted in our lives. If we open our eyes enough to find them our days will surely be enriched. As we begin this week, about halfway through our Lenten journey, it is the perfect time to renew our enthusiasm and search for those signs with renewed energy and faith. It can be something as simple as an A on a paper or the smile of a friend. For me Lent is about growing a little bit closer to God, and if we acknowledge these daily blessings as gifts from the God who loves us, we can only grow nearer to him in this season. So this week challenge yourself to find at least one unexpected sign of God’s love in your life and thank him for it as we rapidly approach the Cross, the greatest sign of his love for us.
-  Erin H.

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