Friday, April 1, 2011

Third Week of Lent: Friday

It’s funny how one can think of him/herself as so in touch with and understanding of their faith…that is…until Lent comes around. If you ask me, it’s that time of year where things can get a little confusing. What is lent about? Is it the giving-up? Is it the giving-of? Is it the praying more? Is it the penance? Do we celebrate? Are we somber? Perhaps a little bit of everything?
Upon much reflection, I’ve come to the conclusion that perhaps a centered purpose of lent is simply to continue to embrace the mystery that is God. St. Augustine says it best, “If you can understand it, it isn’t God.” One of these years, I hope to overcome the confusion that arises as Lent comes around, but until then I find that, in the Lenten season, we are called to simply embrace the mysteries of God. Maybe to just let God’s nudges take us in whatever direction they may this lent.
Sure, the picture of the otter above may be comical, but don’t let its cuteness overtake you J I display this picture because I see it as the otter praying, but I couldn’t have the first clue of what he’s thinking/praying about. I guess that’s the point, right? Yet another mystery. All I can ask is that this lent can bring me each day to the place that this otter seems to be taken to; all we can ask is that we are brought to deepening of faith, expanded appreciation, and a strengthened love of all that surrounds us.
-  Tim P. ‘14

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