Thursday, April 7, 2011

Fourth Week of Lent: Thursday

As a part of my Lenten promise, I too have been trying to incorporate Scripture into my daily life, or at least dedicate 15 minutes each day talking with God.   There is a website I use to assist me with this Lenten promise: it is the Online Ministries page from a fellow Jesuit institution, Creighton University, where students post personal reflections based on Scripture readings for each day. 
In today’s readings, God confronts Moses about his anger towards the Israelites resorting to idolatry in the book of Exodus, and in the gospel of John, Jesus explains to the Jews that they cannot fully have faith in God if they do not believe in the word represented through his Son, Jesus Christ.  Like the Israelites and the Jews, sometimes we fail to believe God is really there.  Unless he is staring us right in the face making his presence known as in the Gospel, we do not believe.  Lent reminds us that God is present with us always even when we cannot see him.  It is a reminder that we need to actively search for him, as if we were playing hide and seek.  However, God is not the 5-year-old who pops out from behind a tree laughing and shrieking before you get there.  God is the one who waits, quietly and patiently, for you to walk closer to the tree.  Even better, God will meet you halfway when you aren’t sure where to find him, but he only comes if you ask. 
When you are having trouble seeing him, call out to God to make himself present to you.  God longs for us to find him, and he knows there are times we need guidance in our search.  “Seeing is believing” as the saying goes, but it takes that initial belief to want to see him.  Don’t be afraid to look for God when you need him most; those are the times God wants to see you.  You never know where he might be waiting…
Ciro S. ‘14

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