Friday, March 30, 2012

Saturday of the Fifth Week of Lent

Checking my schedule for the week I thought to myself, “No, this can’t be right…didn’t we just have midterms?” Many, myself included, are faced with round two of testing this week. When our textbooks replace our Bibles and we find little time to do anything outside of studying, eating, and attempting to sleep, it is easy to forget what season we are in. The hours of the day simply pass away and the nights grow long. Maintaining our Lenten promises and remaining mindful of the beauty of this time is year is often difficult. It is a challenge to see the heavy burden of class work, exams, papers, and projects as gifts.

That being said, how can we see a stressful exam or ten-page paper as a gift? We can do so by realizing we are privileged and blessed to receive not only an education, but a college education. I’ll be honest; in all reality its somewhat cheesy and cliqued when people say, “In the end, a college education is the key to a bright future.” We know it is true, but when you are in the midst of organic chemistry, accounting, or [insert your least favorite class here] many count down the days until the end of the semester. Therefore, I challenge every student to embrace the remaining weeks of this semester in love of learning. Think about all those who would do almost anything to have the opportunity to take final exams or get up at 7:30 a.m. to go to class every day. Because this lifestyle is “normal” for so many of us, we forget its true value. So, as Lent continues and we draw closer to Easter, I pray we can all learn to savor the time we put into our studies and appreciate God’s plan for us. For all of us here, The University of Scranton is part of that plan and what we do here will forever be part of our lifelong journey of learning.

Peace, Love, and Happiness,

Steph B.- Class of 2014

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