Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Tuesday of Fourth Week of Lent

After only two days, it seems that Spring Break is long gone.  Those nice days of sleeping in, spending time with family and old friends, and not thinking about school work have come to end.  Without a second spare, we’ve resumed our very busy schedules.  Returning to campus, I was greeted by delightful sunshine and the smiling faces of friends and classmates sitting outside enjoying it.  Nothing makes me happier than seeing people playing on the Dionne Green.  No matter who is out there or what they are doing, anyone running sitting on the DeNaples Patio or running around on the Green always appears to be having fun.
This past Sunday’s Gospel is my favorite Gospel passage: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16).  Now, God is not going to stop time and allow us to live on Earth forever.  However, He will allow us to be truly happy.  In fact, because of Him we can and will be truly happy.  Sunshine and friendship, especially Scranton friends, are clear symbols of God’s love for us.  God is present in those friends assembled together enjoying each other’s presence.  The sunshine and free time might be just a snippet of our lives, but God and the gifts he has bestowed upon us are not.  God IS love.

Katie C. ‘14

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