Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Tuesday of the Fifth Week of Lent

During Lent most people find themselves saying, “No”; such as if a temptation to break our Lenten promise comes up we say “no”.  In the Church we just celebrated the greatest “YES” there ever was.  That is the “yes” that Mary responded with when the angel Gabriel asked her if she would be the mother of Christ.  The feast of the Annunciation almost always falls during lent. 
This year it falls at a particularly good time for me because it is starting to feel like Lent is never going to end.  This feast reminds me not just that Christmas is only 9 months away, but also that I too must answer yes to God’s will for me.  I ask myself, have I been saying “yes” to God lately?  Recently I have been struggling with my plans not fitting with God’s plans.  I think that I have everything all planned out just right and something happens, I am reminded today that I need to trust that God’ will is the best possible thing that could happen to me.  Thank God (literally) Mary did not say, “no, I don’t think that having a child, not to mention the Son of God, is the right plan for me right now.”  For the remainder of this Lent, let’s try to respond with a jubilant “Yes!” to God’s plans for us just like the Blessed Mother.

-Alyssa T. ’13

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